Writing a dose of perspective, not a prescription.

Jenny Collins Holistic GPS holistic health

Rich, warm, sunny fall days are my favorite! Thanks to Stephanie Gates for photography.

HolisticGPS grew out of a question:

“Where do I turn to get well?”

I mean, really get well, not just feel better temporarily.

Turns out, honoring our God-given design for bodies is the only true way to vibrant health!

How do you do that?

One option is to follow this blog and connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. I’ll also share reports, tips and practical action steps that have supported me to go from being powerless to powerful in my health decisions!

About Jenny Collins, M.A.

Hello! I’m Jenny, freelance writer and founder of HolisticGPS.

(If you’re looking for my business/portfolio, visit Jenetic Communications.)

After struggling with dis-ease and chronic illness for many years, I became disillusioned by the lack of answers from conventional medicine.

“We don’t know what’s wrong with you.” and “Maybe it’s just in your head.” is not my idea of real healthcare!

But I didn’t know there was another way so I tried to make the most of living life on only a few cylinders.

Then in 2004, my health hit rock bottom and I was afraid I would never be well. I was frustrated, depressed and losing hope.

But I was determined to find a better way! I knew the solution wasn’t more prescriptions, but an entirely different perspective.

A family friend suggested a natural health practitioner and homeopath, who was able to inform me within 2 hours what was really wrong and how to support my burdened immune system.

With a new empowering perspective, I started taking supportive supplements and detoxification remedies and did a U-turn with my eating habits.

Within just a few weeks, my energy came back, my vitality and outlook improved and I started the journey of living a holistic lifestyle that continues to this day!

It showed me there are more options to being healthy than just the existing (and broken) healthcare model which is really good at emergency medicine, but horrible at addressing chronic illness and overall dis-ease.

It’s been a delicious ride—with ups AND downs—and I’m grateful for my experiences, because they taught me what it really takes to be healthy and how to stay that way!

My pain had a purpose—it launched me to pursue and finish my Master’s degree in Holistic Health Studies from St. Catherine University—and it set me on a mission to propel others forward on their health journeys…armed with with a better compass and map. A HolisticGPS to help you navigate your way through the natural health world.

Let’s accelerate your own path to whole health!


If you’re looking for academic letters, here’s mine:

  • M.A. in Holistic Health Studies from St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN.
  • B.A. in Communication (PR and journalism) from University of Northwestern–St. Paul, MN.

This site is for educational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Please consult your trusted health practitioner for any specific health concern.

Photo credit: Stephanie Gates